Belfast PAT Testers, PAT Testing Services, Electrical Services & Fire Extinguisher Maintenance and Servicing - Belfast, Northern Ireland.

PAT Testing for businesses in Belfast Northern Ireland

Belfast Northern Ireland experts in PAT Testing, Fire Alarm Testing, Fixed Wire Testing, Fire Extinguisher Servicing & Emergency Lighting Testing. Find out more about our services.

Our Guide to PAT Testing

If you are the owner of a business that uses electricity, then you are required by law to submit to regular PAT testing or portable appliance testing. This process is mandated by the United Kingdom as a means of ensuring that all electrical appliances used in a business are safe for use and do not pose a risk to people or property from standard operation.

Our Guide to PAT Testing2

All appliances within a work place should carry stickers or decals that show proof of current PAT testing. This helps to provide workers with a sense of reassurance and serves as proof of testing in the event of an inspection.

Our Guide to PAT Testing3

While PAT testing is required of all companies that use electrical appliances, they may choose who conducts their tests. BPT electrical offers a team of highly qualified PAT testers who use the latest equipment and technology to find and determine problems quickly and effectively. Our PAT testers comply with all local and national laws to ensure that your business is always up to code.