If you are the owner of a company, then you are probably in need of electrical services in order to ensure that your business is complying with all of the different regulations set forth by the Electricity in the Workplace regulations of 1989. You will be able to find electrical services in Northern Irelandthat will take care of all of your needs, questions, and concerns, and you can be sure that these services won’t interrupt you and your company’s day to day activities any more than needed for the various onsite inspections. It will help to keep you and your employees safe as well.
Companies have many different electrical needs, so it is important to find one company that can take care of all of your electrical services in Northern Ireland.
One of the first things that your company will need is to ensure that the fire alarm system is in proper working order. Failure to keep the fire alarm working properly could result in fines, and the Fire Brigade can even close down those buildings that do not comply. The right electrical testing company will be able to make sure that the alarms work and that you don’t have to fear getting any notices from the Fire Brigade.
Your business will also need electrical services in Northern Ireland that can take care of other forms of electrical testing as well. Fixed wire installation testing is very important. This is the testing of all of the wiring in your building. The testing company will be able to test each of the circuits in the system. This will help to ensure the safety of you and your employees and ensure that you are in compliance with the British Standard and NICEIC.
Another very important aspect of electrical testing is the PAT, or Portable Appliance Testing. All of the different electronic devices in your business must undergo this testing in order to maintain safety and comply with the law. You will often be able to get a full report of all of the different appliances within a day of the testing.
Choosing a company that offers all of these electrical services in Northern Belfast is the best way to make sure that your business complies with all of the different laws and regulations. BPTElectricalLTD.co.uk will make sure that everything is as safe as possible.